Kim Kardashian Gets Painted by Warhol: “This Is the Most Amazing Face to Work On”
Kanye West’s already got the girl.
But when the future Mrs. West isn’t around, he wants to make sure he can always admire her from afar… with a permanent place on the wall, that is.
And because it's Yeezus himself, he commissioned a work by Warhol, of course. Well, not that Warhol, but the icon's cousin, Arizona-based screen print artist,Monica Warhol, to bring Kim Kardashian to life on canvas.
And it all went down in true Kimye style -- his people called her people.
“I did not speak with him directly. They’re managers or publicists call and I take it or I don’t,” Warhol
This was a no-brainer because Warhol already had her answer before the phone rang.
“I totally wanted to do Kim. She’s famous for nothing. It’s fabulous!" she added.
“She’s so freakin’ gorgeous. And she just had a baby. It’s amazing!”
Warhol, who completed the screen print after working 10 hours a day for the last week, says it’s a masterpiece.
“I don’t know if it’s her beauty. She has so much space between her eyes and nose. She is so amazingly manufactured and beautifully perfect," said Warhol of Kim's famous features. "I just thought this is the most amazing face to work on.”
But the outspoken rapper/designer/fashion icon left the visionary work up to the other artist. All Warhol took from West’s team was a photograph.
“She looks amazingly dressed up and glamorous,” she said of the pic that inspired the the nine-piece painting, which is just as unique as Kim’s reign on the world of celebrity: “No two pieces are the same,” added Warhol.
“She’s an icon -- a living, breathing Barbie.”
“Hopefully, they adore what I’ve done. I love it. I’m really excited about what I’ve done.”
West will get his chance when his Kardashian immortalized on canvas gets delivered next week.